Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What’s that you say? The year 3108? The raise you would like to get every month on your pay check? The times you tell your kids to clean their room! Bottles of soda on the wall...take them down, pass them...? How about the number of kilograms you’d like to take off of your weight! Ha, I’m sure that doesn’t makes sense. I would go for a calculator but it would be easier to Google for a converter.

Here is something that does make sense. The month of September is blog month for Compassion International and they are laying down the gauntlet, taking it to the mattresses to get 3,108 children sponsored in the month of September. Whoa, don’t click away just yet – unless you are helping me work on that calculation. Forget the calculation and read in 5 easy steps how you can help. Skip right to step 3 if you are in a time crunch.

Step 1: Click here to Compassion’s page. It will take you to someone with a bright, shining, look and magical names like Kezia, Pongpan, Fabiola, Yenifer and Yeferson. Names and faces that could launch the next Trilogy. Names that could help you solve the question of what should we name the baby? Names that are unique but they are so much more than names.

Step 2: Read a little more about them and Compassion. Don’t be afraid to hit the more link except of course in the case where the boss is looking over your shoulder and you should be working. If you have more time maybe you can even work in a geography lesson for your children and maybe yourself. Okay well maybe it is only me that needs the lesson.

Step 3: (Time crunchers click here) Pray for this young shining star. If you’re not a prayer warrior well then think positive thoughts. These children need our positive thoughts and we need to think positive thoughts in this world of political ads and other negative things.

Step 4: Don’t be afraid to come here and click on this once each day in September to pray for different children and maybe learn more than one geography lesson.

Step 5: (Optional) If you are so inclined you could sponsor one of these children who I guarantee you will turn your world upside down. But I know your prayers and positive thoughts will accomplish this as well.

That’s it!

Yes if that number happens I will practice my jumping skills and promise to jump more than a measly 6 inches off the floor. Yes Hailey - I will take your advice and may just have to use the aid of a chair against my better judgment. Maybe you could help me with jumping lessons. No need to further subject you to more photos of me not defying gravity. Please join us this month of September
Okay I did Google the kilogram converter and no, unless you are a dinosauer I don’t think you could lose 3108 kilograms. Leave a comment and let me know who you prayed for!

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